Aims & Objectives

AIMS: The nursery incorporates the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework to support and develop children’s play and learning.  Our aims are:

  • To provide a safe and secure environment which extends and develops all areas of a child’s development within the six areas of learning.
  • To enable all children to learn and develop their skills to the best of their ability.
  • To promote self-discovery, exploration and curiosity towards learning.
  • To maintain the standards and guidance set by Ofsted and to regularly reflect and develop our practice.
  • To encourage children to explore the environment and feel comfortable with the staff and the setting.
  • To provide a good working relationship with parents/carers and children.
  • To ensure good communication skills are in practice throughout the organisation.
  • To ensure confidentiality is kept at all times.

Our objectives are the way in which we are going to meet our aims in order to provide a high quality service which endorses and implements good practice and current government legislation. Below are the ways in which we are going to achieve our objectives:

  • By acknowledging and implementing ‘Principles for Early Years Education’ The Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and Supporting Resources which will provide many of the elements of good practice needed to meet the needs of all children in the Nursery.
  • Understanding the United Nation Convention on the Rights of a Child and its importance to My Favourite Nursery through reviewing and monitoring performance of staff.
  • Identifying, booking and attending regular training courses to keep staff up-to-date with current initiatives and new ideas.
  • Deploying staff wisely, considering carefully their experience and qualifications.
  • By staff being aware of the importance of teamwork and the need to treat each other with respect and consideration, through training and role modelling.
  • By staff acknowledging and implementing the help and support offered to the Nursery by the Quality Team of the Preschool Learning Alliance, whose role it is to raise standards in all settings.
  • By the Nursery reading, understanding and implementing the policies, with the view that not only are they working documents, but that staff will be involved in their review and amendments on a rolling programme.
  • Through monitoring, evaluation and assessment of working practices and time management, and reflective practice by the Nursery Manager for the strategic development of the Nursery.
  • By providing a handbook for staff and for parents and addressing all areas that will be helpful and useful to both parties in their roles.
  • By setting targets that are Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant and Timed, and meeting them within an agreed deadline.
  • By offering appropriate play facilities.
  • Ensuring the rights of the parents/carers to take responsibility for and become involved in the activities that are being implemented.
  • Promoting and endorsing an ethos of equal opportunities for all within the Nursery community.
  • By producing action plans and schedules of work that relate directly to Early Years Foundation Stage (2014) and Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014).