Special Educational Needs / Disability

My Favourite Nursery is a fully inclusive practice, which supports all children to achieve their maximum potential.

In order to meet our aims:

  • The Nursery Manager has a copy of the Department for Education & Department for Health SEND Code of Practice (2014), which is kept in the office and is shared with staff members.
  • My Favourite Nursery promotes Equality/Diversity and Anti-Discriminatory practices with concise and stringent policies and procedures on inclusion, equality and diversity.
  • My Favourite Nursery works in partnership with The Pre-School Alliance (PSA) with regards to recruitment, staff employment issues, and has an awareness of the quality standards they expect for all employees.
  • My Favourite Nursery has a designated SENDCO to help and support parents/carers and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
  • We have access to an area SENDCO provided by Southwark Council who provides a supportive and informative role on request.
  • We work in partnership with multi agencies, and are in receipt of relevant information regarding the Common Assessment Framework (2006).
  • We monitor and review our practice and provision regularly and self assess our working practices to ensure continuity and high standards for all.

Monitoring and Review

Each member of staff will keep records of all children with special education needs and/or disabilities and will ensure that their progress is being monitored, evaluated and assessed on a regular basis. The Nursery Manager and Deputy Manager will be responsible for checking pupil progress and holding meetings with the key person of the child who has any additional needs. The Nursery Manager will also be responsible for feeding back to the Nursery Coordinator / Directors, any concerns or additional support that is required to support the needs of the child. Updates on the progress of all children on a regular basis will be logged in the Cycle of Meeting in the child’s folder held in the office.