Nursery Fees

As a non-profit making voluntary organisation, My Favourite Nursery aim to continually offer competitive and affordable fees.  

A non-refundable fee of £30.00 is required for your child’s admission at the Nursery and this should be paid when returning the completed Application form. On joining My Favourite Nursery, one month’s deposit will be requested and this will confirm your child’s place. (This deposit will be refunded when you terminate the contract with one month’s written notice. This deposit is given to you when your child leaves the Nursery providing all fees are up-to-date and notice is given in writing).

Childcare Vouchers
My Favourite Nursery is happy to accept payment of monthly fees using Childcare Vouchers. We have accounts set up with a number of childcare voucher companies, so please contact us for more information on the companies we’re registered with and the type of vouchers we accept.

Tax Free Childcare
Did you know you can get up to £500 every 3 months (£2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare? If you get Tax-Free Childcare, the government will pay £2 for every £8 you pay your childcare provider via an online account. You can use it to pay for approved childcare, and you can get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as the 30hr Funding if you’re eligible for both. MFN is signed up to the Tax Free Childcare, so why not go on line now, and check your eligibility at:

Working Tax Credits
Help is available to pay towards childcare through the childcare element of Working Tax Credit. It can provide substantial support with childcare costs and many families find they are eligible.  If you have any questions you can contact the Government’s Working Tax Credit/ChildTax Credit Helpline which is open 8.00am – 8.00pm seven days a week. Telephone: 0845 300 3900

15 / 30hr FEEE Funding
MFN work in partnership with Southwark Council to provide Funding for children aged nine months plus. All 3 / 4 year old children are entitled to 15hr funding, and MFN will automatically enrol children on to the 15hr Funding scheme by providing Southwark Council with the child’s name, date of birth and home address. (Please note, eligibility for enrolment takes place during the term after the child’s birthday).  In order to receive the Working Parent Entitlement or 30hr Funding, parents will have to apply direct through the Government Childcare Service website.  To apply and obtain your eligibility code, please visit  On this website parents are also able to sign up for Tax-Free Childcare.  Application for the Tax-Free Childcare and/or FEEE Funding takes place in one single application where the Government will automatically check your eligibility for both.  Before you commence your application, you will need to make sure you have the following information (for you and your partner, if you have one):

–  your National Insurance Number
–  if you’re self-employed, your Unique Taxpayer Reference
–  the date you started, or are due to start work
–  details of any other government support you get.

For further information, please contact MFN direct.

Downloadable Forms
To book an extra day or am/pm session please complete this MFN Extra Session Booking Form and return to our Admin Department as early as possible.
To increase or reduce your child’s day of attendance please complete this MFN Change of Session Form and return to our Admin Department bearing in mind one months written notice is required for any reduction of days or sessions.
To notify that your child will be leaving the Nursery please complete this MFN Leaving Form and return to our Admin Department bearing in mind one month notice is required when terminating contract.
To share your comments and suggestions please complete this MFN CommentsSuggestions Form and return for the attention of our Admin Department.